Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Chain: An empty box of soap

iThis round was started by Amanda, who asked: Are you a good social networker? What aspect of platform building do you focus on the most? Which aspects freak you out?

Go ahead. Call me jaded.

A couple of years ago, I jumped on the social-networking, platform-building bandwagon. I'd do a yippee-skippy happy dance when my blog or Twitter account gained a new follower. I'd giggle with delight when I acquired a new friend on Facebook.

At least, I did this until my family threatened to have me committed me for dancing and giggling in front of my computer at random moments.

Just kidding. (It was my co-workers who threatened me.)

Ever since then. . .OK my co-workers didn't threaten me either. But, for some unexplained reason, my interest in social networking has waned over the past year.

I rarely blog. (I can make up a lot of excuses, but the truth is I just haven't had anything important to say.)

I never Tweet. (You don't care that I ate M&Ms for breakfast.)

I haven't even posted a non-work related YouTube video for months.

About the only thing I still do is Facebook. I often update my status, add new friends and keep up with others there. Facebook offers a more direct interaction between people. It helps form stronger relationships that may be more beneficial if I should ever need that coveted word-of-mouth boost about my book's release day.

(No news here. I'm not even in the market for an agent at the moment.)

I try not to think about the countless strangers who have the ability to peak into my life through the magic of cyberia. That would be my biggest freak-out-out aspect about platform building.

Part of my jadedness about the publishing world started with the whole idea of fiction writers building a platform. Unfortunately, I just took a bath and my empty soapbox probably wouldn't sustain the weight of a lengthy rant. So all I will say is a good writer with a good story, a good amount of ambition and the right amount of luck or faith will eventually be read.

What's your take on social networking and platforms?

Check out what Abby said yesterday. Then come back tomorrow to see what Sandra has to say.


Amanda Bonilla said...

Great post, Kat! And I hope you're right about a good story being read without superior platform building skills. Because right now...mine suck! ;)

Unknown said...

Fairly new to this virtual community thing. One thing I do know it is a real time sucker. Before I know it my morning is gone and I haven't done anything but blogging and commenting. You have to write the "good story" or all you will have is a platform that doesn't lead anywhere... Great post.

Unknown said...

The idea of platform building and how it's this "requirement" if you intend to be published in fiction bothers me. I social network not to really build my platform but to be social. By nature, I'm shy and reclusive. Getting me out of the house to meet for coffee is as good as pulling teeth. But social networking does make me feel engaged. I know of a writer who seems to be doing quite well for himself--multi-book deal at one of the big six, current novel winning awards--and he's nowhere online, not even really his own blog. But I consider him a success. I think if you have the idea of it's a necessity as a marketing tool then it's very easy to get jaded about the whole thing.

Unknown said...

Ah the platform... I really don't want a platform. I just want to be me, the author of some great story that at least a dozen people might enjoy. Ha!

I like to blog and just started up again in the hopes that I can get just one post in a week, but I won't stress it if I don't. I love facebook for the same reasons you stated. The rest? Hello, wayside. :)

Eric said...

For some reason, I'm not surprised by this answer. And that's perfectly okay. This response is SO Kat, and that's just the way we like ya!

Cole Gibsen said...

You're so right. While platforms are important, some of the biggest writers out there don't have an online presence at all.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes this whole social media thing seems like a popularity contest...sometimes it's easy to get caught up in "chasing the numbers."

That being said, I do enjoy communicating with writerly types and have made a lot of good connections with crit partners and blog chainers and the like.

Guess I have a love/hate relationship with the webz, LOL!

Nice post!

Rosslyn Elliott said...

Hi Kat! I have an ambivalent relationship with social media. I love being able to keep in touch with distant friends. I don't like seeing it used strictly as a marketing tool. So I get where you're coming from. I also like Facebook because of its personal feel, but have some privacy issues.