Cole has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging the links in the blog chain to share their words of wisdom with other aspiring authors. Sounds easy, right? Well, there's a catch.
Cole says: "Pretend you are addressing a crowd of aspiring authors eager to soak in your words of knowledge. The problem is, you've only been given a time slot of five seconds. In one sentence (no more than 20 words), please summarize the most important words of wisdom you can impart. You can elaborate and address questions only in the comments section."
Sandra gave great advice before me.
Here's mine: "Read your stories out loud."
Now, check out what Christine has to say.
Concise advice!
Stay true to yourself.
GREAT Advice!
I totally do this :) I helps me find trouble spot or stuff that starts to sound strangely rhymey.
good one! It really is amazing how much hearing your story aloud helps. Great advice :)
oooo, I love it!
That's such a good one! It's amazing how something as little as reading out loud can make such a big impact!
That is great advice! I find when I do it, I make far less mistakes grammatically and in flow. I just need to do it all the time now...
Excellent advise. If you stumble over something while reading aloud, you might stumble over it during silent reading, too. And it helps you catch errors you might otherwise overlook.
Very important. :)
Argh, I still have yet to do this with the whole book, and am dreading it. Great advice, and I should probably get cracking on that ;)!
This is really awesome advice. And something I do on a regular basis. I need to get one of those programs that reads it out loud to me. That would be cool.
Short, sweet, and to the point - love it!
It is AMAZING who differently your work reads when read aloud. This is excellent advise, Kat. :)
I always forget about this, but you're right, it makes a difference.
Reading aloud really does help. When in doubt, read it outloud. If it sounds awkward, it probably is...
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